More (light) snow in the forecast for tomorrow. I met with a publisher today who'd posted a Creative Director job on Workopolis' job site a few days back. Don't know if I'm in the running, but it would be a great challenge taking on the task of creating a magazine from scratch. Two more appointments in Gastown on Friday, for possible freelance work.
Today in town I saw no less than two films being shot (actually two TV series)! Think I've actually seen more filming here in five months than in all the years I lived in LA.

While I was downtown, I took in the latest HP film. Great, great film with excellent fx. Highly recommended! Meanwhile, Ad's at home networking and my web producer is two moments away from my calling the project off. As communication is almost non-existent, I wonder how motivated he really is to put my site online. May have to wait on it, as I'm particularly clueless when it comes to CSS and PHP work. Makes me run towards the print world more and more. Luckily I'm not alone; several designers I've met in recent weeks feel the same way about web coding. Would rather not know about it.
With the new garbage system coming to Vancouver (much like Holland's bin system, but then on a weekly basis), we will hopefully avoid THESE little critters knocking over the garbage around here!