Anyway, three weeks later, I've met a great group of people from my Transitions program, that's been a godsend in fresh ideas for networking, resume and cold calling tips, confidence-boosting and a look at transferable skills. We have one more follow-up next week Thursday. The gang's pictured above in the office entrance. We had a great time, lots of laughter, some tears and mostly a good rapport and friendships formed as many of us are going through similar career situations. I can't recommend it enough; if you're in the Vancouver Mainland area, I'll be happy to give you the link and info.
Now it's time to forge ahead and embrace all of this newly discovered talent and power to network. As I've recently grown fond of saying, "networking knows no bounds". Just about every event, dinner, group activity and meeting can lead to something unexpected. I'm loving this part of my life.
Vancouver has seen a few wonderful Canuck victories, namely last night's great 6-2 lead over the Montreal Canadiens! Never mind that they did great justice when the Maple Leafs came to town almost two weeks ago, but now they're poised to take on any team that stands in their way. We're all getting excited about two things: the upcoming Olympic games (watching all the Canucks play for their respective country's teams) and tomorrow's National election, where popularity for Stephen Harper, the Conservative, is reaching some scary heights. To give you an example, if he wins, he'll be most aligned with George W. Bush in his policies and attitudes toward the Kyoto Accord. Challenge abortion rights. Give big business a bigger break. You get where I'm going here. Not pretty stuff to ponder.
Ad passed his PMP certification exam last week, so he's one step closer to following his career path here in Van. He'll be networking and interviewing during the coming days and has a good feeling about tomorrow's interview out (down) in Surrey. We had a few sunny breaks in this dreary wet winter weather, but currently it's wet and (not too) cold, yet not particularly wonderful to be outside. On my run this afternoon, I saw yet another Bald Eagle in a tree just down our street at the edge of Trafalgar, past Point Grey Road! Always nice to see such a massive creature with its large and painfully bright white head. By the time I returned from the Seawall, he'd already flown off elsewhere.
More snow in the local mountains here, and my daily morning bus ride over Granville Bridge is occasionally met with an awesome view of white up there!
Signing off…
Ariane C