This morning I broke out of tradition and rented a Necky Tesla kayak instead of the usual
Nimbus Nyak or
Seafarer's. Lovely boat and the seat is quite comfy. Took to the shores of Jericho Beach to some very choppy action at sea. Almost, just almost, thought of turning back and calling it a day. Once I headed out and got USED to the wind dealing with the waves, it was again paradise out there! So lovely to watch the animals and birds take to the water. The seal couple were out again swimming close to the shore, turning their heads round to see groups of youngsters trying their hand at windsurfing nearby.
I managed THREE paddles in this week! Met a woman on Weds. morning who's also a junkie and has a season's pass like me. Only she has her own carbon paddle to the tune of 500 bucks! We went out paddling together and traded off paddles for a bit. Now I see why carbon RULES! Light as can be, ahhhhh.
There's a recent bit in
Vancouver Magazine regarding our little bit o' paradise by the sea (page 46 of the current August issue):
And I quote, "Unlike the poor saps out East, West Coasters don't have to jump in a car and conga-line up a highway for several hours to find recreational water. Here on the edge of an ocean playground, you can roll out of the office and into a kayak in 20 minutes." Sweet!
I watched a nearby Cormorant dive in for his lunch and come back with a fish that went right down the hatch, length of fish down first! Seems like each and every day is full of new feelings on the water and different activity with the birds and seals. Although I've been kayaking pretty much in two areas in Vancouver (off Granville Island and Jericho Beach), no two days are alike! And the feeling of coming home (just as I have now, this Friday noontime) and feeling the waves move through the body while sitting still, it's just awesome.
Yes, Ad, the Tesla will do just fine on Monday out at
Deep Cove!Happy BC Day to all my local friends and devoted blog readers : )
Now it's on to heavy production of my re-vamped website pages -arghhh. Dreamweaver to the rescue! Hope to be online with the newly designed Ariane C Design in a week or so. . . (depends on the weather conditions of course).
Ariane C