Last night was quite something on Commercial Drive, our first encounter with the Parade of Lost Souls. Costumed folk came from all points of town and beyond to partake in this yearly tradition, all in good Halloween spirit. The streets were closed by 6 at night to make room for the procession of hundreds of Vancouverites young and old. Starting point was nearby Grandview Park. Our small group of four at times went separated (luckily we had cell phones on us!) - there were several shrines created in the park, drums going and various music being performed in spots. There was beautiful lighting projected on some of the buildings nearby. As we walked en masse through the streets of East Vancouver, we were greeted by some very outrageous costumes and wildly-decorated homes.
Now here's something that's still hard for me to get used to. First, I start life living with fireworks going off on July 4th. Then I move to The Netherlands where on New Year's Eve they're lit. Now in Canada, they're fired off on Halloween!
Notice Ad's pumpkin on the left! It was inspired by someone in a recent issue of the Vancouver Sun!