Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Wednesday in August

Maybe not as cool as an expanding planetary system, but yours truly has won the Blenz Coffee contest and will be enjoying some latte action in the coming year! Pretty ironic, considering I'm not even Canadian. Guess we've got what it takes to be Canadian down pat.

And our annual Kitsilano Hippy Daze is just around the corner…

I'll be volunteering on Friday for the big Weekend to End Breast Cancer, a 60 km walk over a two day period.

Oh yeah, spotted a seal and her pup within one metre of my kayak this morning, over at Granville Island. Sadly enough, I didn't have my digital camera on board. This is by far the closest I've ever come to the darling harbour seals. Their big eyes stare your way…truly sweet creatures of Nature.

My newly revised site is up and live!

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