Friday, January 19, 2007

1/5 Pavement, 1/3 Sleater-Kinney

What a wonderful performance by Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks last night at Richards on Richards. In tow was the phenomenal ex-drummer of Sleater-Kinney, Janet Weiss. Looking pretty much the same since we saw Sleater-Kinney last at Amsterdam's Paradiso (the smaller and more intimate of the two halls, Kleine Zaal). The band performed a handful of new tunes, as they're busy in the studio cooking something up that should be released soon, according to the woman at the counter selling their four CD's.

Can't wait to see the upcoming Sebadoh performance there on March 3rd, featuring the original Barlow-Loewenstein-Gaffney lineup. I'm imagining it will be even more packed in Richards than last night's show. Many faithful fans up front just soaking it in!

On another note, I'll be attending a rather interesting piece of theatre next Saturday night, called Famous Puppet Death Scenes, at the Van East Cultch Centre. Am also partaking as a volunteer in Attack #15, which will feature a blown-up sports utility vehicle. The Montreal-based L'Action Terroriste Socialement Acceptable's way of heightening public awareness of these gas-guzzling, power-hungry vehicles, in their words. Check out Push Festival for all theatre performances. I'm equally looking forward to the Belgian produced "Aalst" and the Vancouver premiere of "Skydive", coming up later in the month…

The slush fest is thankfully over, as Vancouver is back to 'just our normal rainy weather'. Yesterday while walking on West 4th close to the Naam I literally saw the following: a man wearing a short sleeve t-shirt, shorts, light vest and leather sandals with NO socks. This in snow/sleet freezing cold weather! Polar bear dressed as a human perhaps? What gives??! I'm in a winter coat with hat and gloves here, while this man can tolerate 0 C damp snow!


Anonymous said...

Dat laatste doet mij denken aan mij opa.

Als die op vakantie was dan moest ie een korte broek aan, goed weer of niet.

Het is hier nu plots -6, na een paar dagen flink veel wind.

cu, BertV

Ariane Kitspace said...

And over here, we had sunshine and 11 degrees today! Took a lovely bike ride thru the city along the seawall route - lots of renovations going on in preparation for the 2010 games. Sunshine due to stick around, luckily for us as we've had some good rains lately too! We heard about those Euro storms. Here, Stanley Park has extensive tree damage. Hopefully the park will be open again in all areas by summer 07. Cheers, you!