This photo was taken just a few hours ago, outside our front window, as I had just returned home from work. Now we've a rainy Monday evening in Vancouver, with the mighty Canucks trying one more time to approach the playoffs, against the LA Kings. We suffered two losses over the weekend, one quite embarassing (2-6) against the Anaheim Ducks. As there's only five games left in the season, each and every one is a 'must win' for the Canucks.
Work week three is going well, insanely busy start to the week, but a few interesting things coming down the pike. My colleagues are pretty friendly and patient but the workload is enough to keep us all busy and at our desks most of the day. As I'm sitting a lot more than before I started working full-time, I've taken to getting off at the opposite end of downtown and walking across to Gastown in about 15 minutes flat. This gives my legs some much needed stretching in the a.m. hours! I start at the most influential area of the city and wind up in funky Gastown, full of old brick lofts and homeless characters at every turn. The area is turning more urban by the month. Many a housing project is coming up and the rich youth are buying up beautiful condos close to the waterfront. I've still to take a photo of the view outside our window - hands down the most impressive view I've ever had at a job.
Ad and I took a walk along the seawall just after dinner, enjoying the clean air during the rain and watching a couple of herons make their way along the waterfront in search of last-minute dinner. The eagles are definitely out and about here, and we see them regularly. There's a couple of nests between Kits and downtown Vancouver - quite an eyeful when they're hovering above you!
On to watch The Office, an episode taped several nights ago…
Signing off,
Ariane C
Is that the Ricky Gervais The Office, set in wonderful downtown Slough, in what used to pass for England?
I sometimes wonder how that goes down across the Atlantic. It's a work of genius, but does it travel?
I THINK SO! never did see it in The Netherlands. It's an awesome show, spin-off or otherwise. my brother (in San Francisco) watches the UK version as well. Has yet to get the time to watch the US show with Steve Carrall. One day I'll catch up with the UK version and let you know how well it DID travel!
Ariane C
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