Today Grouse Mountain is offering free skiing or boarding with a $2 donation to a local North Shore charity. I couldn't resist the sunny weather and chance to play again in the snow. Two busses and a Seabus later, I was at the base and gondola ride up to the lifts.
As I went to the window to donate the toonie, I was asked whether I'd be skiing or boarding today. I answered that I just wanted to walk around and perhaps rent snowshoes later. She said that I'd either have to rent at her register or not be able to take the free gondola ride up. "Only free for skiers or boarders". I told her that I'd just taken two busses and a Seabus over to be up here. Well, I walked to another woman controlling the line and fortunately, she was able to take care of me and got me through the ticket window with my donation and no further 'committment'. I wasn't really ready to head back to town just yet!
I didn't end up sking (this would probably leave many scratching their heads!), but took in the nature and walked one of the snowshoe trails, sometimes in deep snow! Just didn't feel up to putting on skis and going through the rental crowd today.
Did however see a couple of reindeer, paid a visit to Santa and admired a couple of wolves on the way towards the bus home!

Nice jewish girl with Santa!
indeed! Had a nice chat with the Man.
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