Friday, February 02, 2007

just a lovely week

Busy as I was this week with various theatre volunteering, comped shows and comings and goings, I managed to enjoy the sunshine that seems to prevail to this very moment, in our fair city. The Bald Eagle seems to enjoy sitting atop the large totem pole by the Maritime Museum lately. I've caught a glimpse of him twice during my recent runs along the Seawall. It's quite the BC picture, viewing a tall hand-carved landmark totem pole with the eagle on top. Perhaps a nest is not too far off in the future for this lovely winged creature. Several friends in the area have noticed the nest close to the Coast Guard Station is back this year.

Bio Boxes at Video In seems to be a raging hit right now as part of PuSh Fest. The entire run of show is sold out. I am hoping for a few 'box' performances tomorrow afternoon, if there's a cancellation anywhere in there. I also got into a matinee of Up Island at the Stanley, a humourous look at Van Island small town life. Finally got myself in there after all these months of living in Vancouver!

As part of Dine Out Vancouver, Ad and I hit a few restaurants lately for their tasting menus, priced at 25 and 35 dollars, depending on what the restaurant wants to hit you with on your bill. Trafalgar's Bistro was lovely, our fish superb, but for 14 dollars a glass of wine, I've finally hit the shock and awe stage of wine by the glass prices here in Canada. This, for a half glass of Burrowing Owl Pinot Noir. Now, I haven't hit BC Liquor lately to check on the bottle price, but as tasty as it was, surely 14 bucks is something out of this world to pay.

Other than that, more theatre on the menu this weekend, as Aalst is on tonight at the Scotiabank Dance Centre. Let's hope for a gorgeous continuation of this weather. Although most will be indoors on Sunday for the Super Bowl, we'll be testing our endurance on the (somewhat flat) cross-country slopes of Cypress. I was in Sigge's today for a short while to look at gear. I overheard a woman trying on ski boots talking about being torn apart by the agonizing "shall I paddle" or "shall I ski" today question. Oh if only to enjoy life in this manner of style! But alas, yours truly is busy working on several projects' fruition at the moment, and if a few of those materialize, it should make for a busy but productive move into Spring.

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