Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Between the Holidays

This one was taken in front of the Hotel Vancouver last week, right after visiting Stanley Park's Bright Nights. Ad and I had a quiet Xmas, cooking dinner and making holiday cookies part of the meal plan. Life here is wet right now; one day just melds into the next as the rain comes and goes. The ski season had a great start, but is now practically non-existent.

What's eating the Canucks? They've now lost five games straight! Tonight they'll face Nashville, again at home.

Hope everyone's been having a not-too-chaotic holiday season - feel free to post your comments on the blog - let me know what's going on in other corners of the globe!


Anonymous said...

k, hier het vaste stramien.
eerste kerstdag, ouders
tweede kerstdag, schoonmoeder

Schoonvader heeft het mooi bekeken en zit nu in Las-Vegas!

A real Christmas Divorce...

Ariane Kitspace said...

…en waar zit JIJ tussen alle drama?