There's much to be thankful for, as our recent international move will prove. I began a work search at the start of September and this morning took inventory of what activity has come about as a result.
resumes and digital portfolios/business cards sent out for both freelance and full-time jobs = 115
interviews to discuss possible freelance ops = 5
actual job interviews for a full-time job = 3
job offers = 0
Albeit, Vancouver is a small, tight and closely-knit job hub, much like that of San Francisco. I did however hope to have more success by now. With the upcoming holidays, that glimmer of a job offer may have to wait until everyone's done partying. Have no fear, I'm off to enjoy (as a volunteer and pro-networker) a holiday party, Cuban-style, with the GDC* next Wednesday. Yesterday's Globe and Mail Business section's first page: quite apropos. A huge article discussed networking right DURING the holiday season, and not letting the fact that everyone ELSE is gainfully employed stand in your way.
Breathe in: gainfully
Breath out: employed
*Society of Graphic Designers of Canada
Happy December 1st to everyone near and far.
1 comment:
Just to let you know that i'm actually reading your Blog!
Eet je hart eruit! :)
Greetings BertV
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